An interactive educational/training system to build students' capabilities in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship education, using modern tools and specialized applications through an interactive internet portal (using mobile apps and desktop) and technical programs, with modern training methods.
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For more to come: The INNOENT program offers four languages (Arabic, English, Islandic and Indonesian) in more than 40 schools and universities in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iceland and Indonesia.
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In order to ensure access to specialized education and executive training in innovation and entrepreneurship with international standards, let us contribute together through an effective partnership to build the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs.
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An interactive educational/training system to build students' capabilities in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship education, where its methodology is based on the use of modern tools and specialized applications through a web portal and technical programs, with modern training methods that enable these students to innovate and to grasp the entrepreneurship skills.

INNOENT programs

  • It is an interactive practical program in which participants uses virtual portal to enable them toimplement their projects in accordance with the stages of INNOVATION stages (Need -Solution – Product Modeling), ENTRPRENEURSHIP stages (Product Development -Business Plan – Portfolio), as well as various training programs and activities associated with the program
  • A combination of advanced mobile apps and interactive simple steps is used with the full support of INNOENT team and portal to achieve rich and stimulating experience, resulting in the acquisition self-worth competences.
  • Includes a package of programs and tools designed to the highest educational and training standards, providing a supportive environment of local Role Models, Business consultants, parents of inventors and innovators who have a great impact on mentoring innovators and promising entrepreneurs.

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The student/trainee would be going through an exciting six-stage journey that has been professionally organized on INNOENT platform. The six stage are: Need - Solution – Product modelling - Product Development - Project Plan - Project File

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INNOENT programs

An interactive educational/training system to build students’ capabilities in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship education, where its methodology is based on the use of modern tools and specialized applications through a web portal and technical programs, with modern training methods that enable these students to innovate and to grasp the entrepreneurship skills

  • It is an interactive practical program in which participants uses virtual portal to enable them toimplement their projects in accordance with the stages of INNOVATION stages (Need -Solution – Product Modeling), ENTRPRENEURSHIP stages (Product Development -Business Plan – Portfolio), as well as various training programs and activities associated with the program
  • A combination of advanced mobile apps and interactive simple steps is used with the full support of INNOENT team and portal to achieve rich and stimulating experience, resulting in the acquisition self-worth competences.
  • Includes a package of programs and tools designed to the highest educational and training standards, providing a supportive environment of local Role Models, Business consultants, parents of inventors and innovators who have a great impact on mentoring innovators and promising entrepreneurs.

Program stages

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